Glad you asked! With our shorter 47 minute classes this year, I want to maximize your studio time (the time in which you create artwork). WE ARE ARTISTS! Artists want to CREATE! In order to do this, classroom procedures are going to change. Drumroll please...
Lets discuss the "Flipped Classroom" model. Please take a moment to look at these images. Study them. Think about them. What do they mean to you? What could they mean for our classroom? (Click to enlarge).
Think you know what a "Flipped Classroom" is now? Let me explain further. Instead of lecturing about a particular artist, style, or technique, I will ask that you read about them, view slide shows, watch demonstration videos, look at past student samples, and more, ON YOUR OWN TIME (this is key). :) Many of you have devices or access to a home computer. All information will be located on our class website or blog. You can use Edmodo to communicate and collaborate with your classmates to LEARN the information. When you come to class we can have a brief discussion and then you're ready to START! Sound simple? It is, but it will take a bit of getting used to. In order for this to be successful, and to maximize studio time, you must be a self-motivated learner. This is a skill you will need in your other classes, in high school, in college, and the real world. :) Don't be afraid to ask questions about something you don't understand or something you want more information about. I'm always here and HAPPY to help.
If you do not have access to a computer, please let me know that you need to access my computer or a media center computer to catch up on the information. I can even let you look at it a day early (if it's ready to view).
Come to class next week prepared with any questions or concerns about this FLIPPED CLASSROOM model. :) I look forward to hearing what you think! Parents/guardians, I'd love to hear what you think as well. Write down questions with your student and we will discuss in class.