Wednesday, October 30, 2013


All three grades are competing in a Halloween free draw challenge. My students were given nine items to include in their drawings in a unique way. Some of which, include themselves as a zombie, a haunted house, a pumpkin patch, and more...they are also required to use a variety of coloring techniques using colored pencils and markers. 

Each grade will be judged by the other two grades. PRIZES are at stake for the most creative pieces of artwork.

Here are some of the in progress" pieces. ENJOY!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013



I recently learned about three amazing art contest opportunities through The Jason Project! Check out the PRIZES! (Follow the links to learn more). With your outstanding talent and creativity, I encourage each and every one of you to participate. These projects can be worked on in class, at home, or during ELT. I will gladly help you submit your artwork or find necessary information. Let me know as soon as possible if you plan to participate. :) I am looking forward to seeing your artistic creations!

The links in the ad are not correct. Please use these the three links below to locate information regarding each contest.


JASON Learning
October 28, 2013

Announcing Three JASON Art Contests to
Challenge Your Students' Creativity! 

Cell Phone Recycling Awareness Contest
Deadline January 15, 2014

Calling all artists, filmmakers, and recyclers! Students in grades K-12 are invited to participate in a national recycling awareness contest sponsored by JASON Learning and the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI). The theme of the contest is cell phone recycling awareness. Americans discard millions of cell phones annually. Most cell phones contain precious metals and plastics that can save energy and resources when recycled, but when disposed of improperly, can release toxic materials into the environment. How could you convince your friends, relatives, and others to recycle their old cell phones instead of throwing them away? Create an original video or poster in the style of a public service announcement with your creative answer to this question, and you might win a prize!

The contest is open to all students living in the United States and enrolled in grades K-12 during the 2013-2014 school year. Students can enter the contest as individuals or as pairs. Each individual or pair can submit either a video or a poster to the contest. One video and one poster will be selected as finalists from each of three grade bands: K-4, 5-8, and 9-12. Two overall grand-prize winners will be selected - one from all video finalists and one from all poster finalists. (Two grand-prize winning entrants representing the overall best poster and video from all grade brackets will also receive a trip for the entrant(s) and a parent or guardian to ISRI's Annual Convention & Exposition to be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, April 6-10, 2014!)

All entries must be submitted by January 15, 2014. Winners will be selected by March 1, 2014.

Learn more about the contest details, media specifications, how to submit your entry, judging, and prizes on the JASON website:

"Sustainable Seas" Art Contest
Deadline February 28, 2014

  Kids in grades K-12 are invited to participate in a "Sustainable Seas" art contest sponsored by JASON Learning, the North American Marine Environmental Protection Association (NAMEPA), and the U.S. Coast Guard.

Sustainable development is a way to use the resources we need to live healthy and fulfilling lives without endangering the future well-being of the planet and all the creatures that call it home. Having sustainable seas means using our aquatic resources to help meet our needs in terms of food, transportation, and recreation, but doing so in a responsible way. What is one specific thing people could do to create healthier, more sustainable seas? Create an original poster with your answer to this question, and you might win a prize!

This contest is open to individual students living in North America and enrolled in grades K-12 during the 2013-2014 school year. All entries must be submitted by February 28, 2014, and winners will be selected by March 31, 2014.

Learn more about the contest details, artwork specifications, how to submit your entry, judging, and prizes on the JASON website:

2014 E/V Nautilus Patch Design Contest
Deadline February 14, 2014
Your artwork could go on an ocean adventure aboard Exploration Vessel Nautilus! JASON Founder and Chief Scientist Dr. Robert Ballard and "Climate: Seas of Change" Host Researcher Dr. Katy Croff Bell will help choose one drawing to be made into a patch that will be worn by members of the Nautilus Corps of Exploration as they explore the world's ocean.

All entries must be submitted by February 14, 2014. Winners will be selected by April 1, 2014.

Learn more about the contest details, entry requirements, how to submit your entry, judging, and more on the Ocean Exploration Trust website:

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Impressionist Self Portraits 2013

My 8th grade artists impress me every year! They are creating impressionist style self portraits using oil pastels. More to come! 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Principles of Design: Are you becoming familiar with them?

This post should help! :)

In your artist's statements following each studio project, you will be responsible for accurately using the language of art. The principles of design are an important aspect of this language along with the elements of art. Below are some visuals to use as a study resource.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October is National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month!


Since October is National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month lets tell EVERYONE! We are artists and designers therefore it is again our responsibility to use our talents for a good cause. Along with the Oktoberfest advertising, we will also be creating DOG themed artwork to promote this cause. We have our work cut out for us. Lets get started! Think about how these creations can be hung in the hallway or displayed in the front lobby/office. Stay away from BORING SHMORING poster designs. Think outside the box!

Note: All of these images were found on Pinterest and should in NO WAY be copied exactly. Use them only as INSPIRATION for your own artistic creations.

Words written on the accordion body?

Bring in your recycled soda cans! We can paint them and add embellishments like this!

Have a photo of your dog? Create a line drawing and add colors and patterns to make it fun, crazy, and creative. This piece would make a great holiday gift as well! :)

Friday, October 4, 2013

FINISHED EARLY & ELT Creations (Oct)


My students often come up to me during class with the typical "I'M DONE" smile on their faces. You're done? That's awesome! Push your creativity to the limits! I am well aware that artists work at different speeds. I, myself, work quickly. When I'm finished, I'm looking for something new to create. If you are like me, here are some options for October that you can work on if you are "finished early" (before others) and/or during ELT. This month, it is our responsibility as WKMS artists and designers to advertise and promote the upcoming OKTOBERFEST production that will be held on Oct. 31st. Instead of creating the normal boring posters, I have provided you with some ideas below. Each of these ideas can be transformed into a work of art (SIMILAR to a poster) to advertise. 

Note: All of these images were found on Pinterest and should in NO WAY be copied exactly. Use them only as INSPIRATION for your own artistic creations.

Seasonal word trees (Oktoberfest information could be showcased in creative writing).

White colored pencil on black paper or pen and ink (techniques such as hatching, cross hatching, and stippling could be used)

Zentangled or colorfully decorated skulls. I can see a word or thought bubble with Oktoberfest information being displayed as well.

Pen and ink on top of newspaper or old book pages. Thin k about how you could add Oktoberfest information to this work of art.

White colored pencil or chalk on black paper to study typography and fonts.

Seasonal crafts. Candy corn mobiles, can you think of other seasonal mobile designs?

Symmetrical word/name skeletons. Think about Oktoberfest information as the body.

Here are some more ideas not pictured: Origami bats, spooky word creations, creepy silhouettes and more...

Stay tuned for November/December ideas!